Yesterday, after a second viewing on a home we decided to make an offer. The home we 'settled' on has been in the market a year and the house has been dropping in price every few months! We went in low, maybe too low - I dunno. My rationale was this home needs a good bit of work and better go in low and creep up to the real value of the home then giving the seller all the leverage.
When you go in too low you run the risk of pissing off the seller. Trust me, I have been on the seller side of a low offer and I would not respond - however, their home has been sitting for a year and I was hoping they would at least respond with something we could start the process with.
You just never know. They have until tomorrow to respond. However, last night we discovered they scheduled an open house for Saturday. This tells me that have no plans in even considering our offer.
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